When is the Best Time to Visit Rwanda Gorillas?

Rwanda the land of a thousand hills is the best destination to go gorilla trekking in  their natural habitat Volcanoes National Park all over the world. It’s better to go on a safari when knowing the best appropriate time to meet these endangered apes, it’s good to go on a safari and come back when satisfied. Many tourists are uncertain about the best month suitable for tracking/trekking mountain gorillas either in Rwanda or Uganda. Gorilla tracking/trekking can be done at any month of the year depending on tourist’s interest and when to travel, However, many tourist often prefer the months from June to September and then from December, January and February. You should know that African weather is subjected to change, it can rain at any time in the areas inhabited by these rare mountain gorillas since tracking is done in the rain tropical forest in Uganda and Rwanda it’s better to go when well prepared

Rwanda starts receiving rains from the month of late February, March, through April and May and during these months many gorilla trackers avoid visiting Rwanda fearing to get a lot of difficulties during tracking like it gets muddy during the rainy seasons making some paths difficult to pass through it is rather harder to trek the steep terrains. However, you should know that during the rainy season there’s plenty of gorilla food down slope and it’s much colder on the upper slopes. So they keep on coming to lower slopes where they could find it warmer and get food easily. So if you track in the rainy seasons chances of seeing mountain gorillas is high and you don’t need to move for long hours while searching them, many trackers who have tried to visit gorillas in the rainy season testify to this find the gorillas after 2 hours hike and by 1-2pm they are back at the lodge and ready for another activities if they still have energy.

Tracking during the dry seasons January, June-September and December gives visitor little difficulties o meet these apes, since the forest is passable and the trails are clear, However you should know that African weather is subjected to change, it can rain at any time so you should come when prepared for the tracking activity. Whatsoever the case and explanation may be, experience shows that mountain gorilla trekking in rwanda can be done any time of the year and you will most likely get the same the same experience.

If you’re coming for a gorilla safari in Rwanda, you should include the following on your packing list. A sturdy pair of walking shoes/boots, long sleeved shirt or blouses, a bag and if possible it should be water proof, a water proof jacket if all these packing list is clearly packed you won’t regret on your gorilla safari. Gorilla tracking is the most interesting done activity on earth, and Rwanda is one of the three countries in the world hosting these giants the other two are Uganda and democratic republic of Congo.

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